Flag day and newborn Everly

It’s always fun when I get to incorporate something unique into a photo shoot. Baby Everly is wrapped up in a flag in these photos because she’s a Flag Day baby. It was so sentimental and beautiful to incorporate the US flag into these photos and I’m thrilled that Everly’s mother decided to include it.


Everly was so precious and slept through the entire first part of her session. We we got to the part where we wanted those curly, naked poses, we got a little nervous. We weren’t sure that Everly would get into the right position and Bekah really wanted those shots. Thankfully, Everly pulled through and really made her mom’s heart soar!


When Everly’s mom, Bekah, reached out to me, Everly was already a few weeks old. Typically, that’s a bit older than I do for newborn photoshoots but it was still very doable for this sweet family.


Everly is such a beautiful name and it has some special meaning for Bekah. Bekah had fond memories of the Everly Brothers thanks to her grandmother. However, the name Everly also has some deeper meaning. It means a symbol of God’s everlasting love and grace for us. It’s a sign of being ever faithful. It’s such a beautiful sentiment for this little girl.


If you’re hoping to do a newborn shoot, give me a call to get something scheduled soon. If you have unique ideas like Bekah did, I’d love to hear them. It’s so fun to incorporate those personal touches.

NEWBORNShandi Norris